Félicitations pour les francophones Posted on 09/10/201120/02/2023 By Reedz Alliance Francaise de Brunei Darussalam (AF Brunei) held a ceremony of DELF Certificate Presentation to 8 DELF who have succeeded in their DELF Examinations in June 2011. Present as the guest of honour was His Excellency, Mr. Louis LE VERT, the French Ambassador in Brunei Darussalam to present the DELF Certifications to the 8 DELF Candidates. Amongst the 8 DELF Candidates was Mr Mark Sawers, the High Commissioner of Australia in Brunei Darussalam and students within and outside of Alliance Francaise de Brunei Darussalam who partook in the DELF June 2011 examinations. DELF is a set of official qualifications awarded by the Council of Europe through Ministry of Education of France CIEP, Centre International des Etudes Pedagogiques to certify the individual’s competency in the French language in which the individual receives a Diplome d’etudes en langue Francaise – Diploma in French Language studies. Alliance Francaise de Brunei is a non·profit organization which was founded in 1986. It is dedicated to promoting the french language and French culture and to developing the historical friendship between countries. Brunei and France, Bruneians and Francophones. It is a French cultural and language centre as well as a place of exchanging and sharing between people with different cultural backgrounds and experiences. Today, Alliance Francaise is the leading cultural network worldwide, with 1,040 establishments in 136 countries on all five continents. Each year, 450,000 people, of all ages, attend Alliances Francaises to learn French and more than 6 million people participate in their French cultural activities. The network is coordinated by the Alliance francaise Foundation (Fondatlon Alliance Francaise). Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related