The Pre-Easter Break Makan Posted on 30/03/2010 By Reedz Happy 8th Birthday to Nina the Bartina! Hope you had an awesome day today! I Love You sweety! After spending the morning in Nottingham covering the BruNotts Easter Games, I made my way back to Leicester to join some friends for a good old makan-makan geder-geder heheh. Some lovely Bruneian food to help soothe away some of that home-sickness was just what we all needed I think… Sambal terung Sambal tahai Nasi Lemak kali aaaahhhh! Enjoying the food Jum and her Mongolian PhD friend Jum and her Bruneian PhD friend 😛 Adam’s impression of Edward Scissorhands Lunch was followed by a walkabout to the city. Banarnya kan mengayau gambus pulang tapi nada, so ke city saja meliat Nanny PcPhee 😀 (Pic borrowed from our PhD friend hee hee) Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related