Last weekend, on the way back to Leicester after the uber successful Bruneian Postgraduate Symposium in London, I stopped over at Birmingham at the invitation of fellow anak Brunei and martial arts guru, Maul, who was conducting one of his Silat Suffian Bela Diri seminars there.
Among those present at the seminar were international martial arts figures including multiple time World Martial Arts champ and screen actress Zara Phythian. I had a fab time with all the friendly people who attended the seminar and got to put the D300s through its paces in an indoor/sports environment. After the seminar, we all had a lovely meal at Imran’s.
Here’s an excerpt from the SSBD FAQ on weapon’s training:
By familiarizing yourself and repetitively training with weapons, you will be psychologically desensitized, not get culture shocked when someone takes out a real knife or a bat on the streets against you. If someone brings out a knife or a broken bottle, our body will not freeze or our mentality would not try to fight him bare handed but due to our training, unconsciously we will try to gain advantage against his weapon by picking up anything around us as an improvised self defense tool and using it with a reasonable force with the desired impact. If you can defend yourself against knives and bats, punches and kick are the least of your worries.
Friendly folks