Yesterday saw the launching of the e-Darussalam government portal at the Empire. e-Darussalam is an online portal of all the government services currently accessible was launched yesterday, boasting features such as one-time registration for users to access the services. Developed by the E-government National Centre (EGNC), the website “will integrate…

STPRI Mega Book Bash and Harry Potter Day
In a bid to raise awareness and encourage the joy of books and reading and at the same time raise funds for the School’s reading/book fund, STPRI held a Mega Book Bash and Harry Potter Day last weekend. Among the activities lined up during that day were an ‘Amazing Race’,…

The Race That Cares – Part Two
Standard Chartered Bank Chief Executive Officer Lai Pei-Sei, during her speech, said, "At Standard Chartered Bank, our brand promises ‘here for good’; a simple phrase with multiple meanings. ‘Here for good’ sums up SCB’s commitment to developing deep relationships with our clients and customers; our values, conduct and focus on…

Day two of BRID EX 2011 was a bit quiet as it was still open only to trade visitors. In its third biennial year, BRIDEX 2011, organised by the Royal Brunei Technical Services, will be open to the public on Friday and Saturday where they can witness air shows, static…

BRID EX 2011 Day One – The Opening
A really early start to the day for yesterday’s opening ceremony of BRID EX 2011 which was officiated by His Majesty who was accompanied by HRH Crown Prince and HRH Prince Abdul Malik. BRID EX is quickly taking its rightful place among regional exhibitions as one of the top defense…

Peng’s Debut Party
Last weekend, I had the honour of attending the debut party of a friend’s youngest daughter. The last debut I attended was over 20 years ago in Manila. I love to observe the traditions of different cultures and the debut is one of those coming of age traditions which I…
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