Dua Minggu – Two Weeks of Events in Brunei Darussalam Posted on 20/01/2012 By Reedz The first edition of the ‘DuaMinggu’ newsletter publication was launched to the warm applause of business partners and sponsors at the Radisson Hotel yesterday. The launch marked a new medium for cultural consulting firm iBudaya to reach out to its target audience including companies, public agencies, educational bodies, cultural institutions and artists centred towards advocating the cultural development seeing that there are bright prospects in the creative industries. According to a press release issued by iBudaya, the main worries that tourists and even expatriates to a certain extent experience in Brunei is that they miss out on social and cultural events, not well informed in the first place and only discovering about it later once people talk about it or through radio or newspapers. Communication tools such as Facebook is still accessible but tourists still lack awareness if they do not come across the right circle. Sheikh Jamaluddin, Director of Tourism Development Department, told the audience that Brunei would witness a grand and spectacular Regatta event at the BSB Waterfront. “It will be the first time in 20 years since the Regatta was held in Brunei,” he said. The guest of honour then proceeded to cut the ribbon and picked out a first newsletter publication much to the delight of the crowd. He then tied the first copy to a balloon and released it to the skies.Also present at the event were iBudaya CEO, Anais Maro and its Editorial Manager Cecilia Castilla. ‘DuaMinggu’ is free of charge and can be found at Bello Cafe, JIS and Fitness Zone starting today. There will be no associated cost for such information to be released for publication in the newsletter. Any individuals or companies who wish to get such information published can contact Cecilia Castilla at ibudaya.cecilia@gmail. corn or 8632980. Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related