Gerai Ramadhan Walkabout – Siri Pertama Posted on 06/09/200808/05/2019 By Reedz The Ramadhan stalls are a great place for a photo outing and yesterday was no different. Well, the difference was that the weather was quite grey and made for an interesting backdrop to all the activities at the stadium gerais. Sugarcane juice or Aying Galagah is a staple favorite for thirsty fasters Many non-muslims also visit the ramadhan gerai to avail of the delicious fare, including this chap whom I bumped into… Yo AL! π On a photo outing you come across all sorts… including poseurs π Belated congratulations to our national Qariah on her recent achievement! What a gloomy day… I think this is the first time I saw GRAPES on sale at gerai ramadhan Yay!! These guys must be from my neighbourhood! Pais Daging… another local favorite These chaps must have made a killing last year! They’re back again this year! Some VIP visitors to the gerai π Hello Julezz! Another hot favorite… Tungking and Sayap Ayam… nyumzzz Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related
tungking n sayap ayam….body challenge bro body challenge π sabar…sabar…hehehehe alom start banar ah body challenge…kita makan dolo…
Hey dude, thanks for the shout out… i was stuffed to the max and judging from the pic, it’s no wonder… that’s a LOT of food. Puasa = Broke Wonder why? Kekeke π Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa to AB, Da Missus and the rest of the AB Clan.
bLind-Shutterz: alum plang ku sampat membali tungking n sayap atu… its just a matter of time.. hehehe! AL: no worries dude! at least u’re spending yr money IN BRUNEI! tks for the puasa greeting π