Gooooooood morning!
Last month, some members of the Bruneiforever community attended Photocamp 2 which was held in KL over a weekend. Judging from the video, I’m pretty sure everyone had an absolute BLAST and more importantly, took home a lot more knowledge than they had before attending the program.
My personal experience with Saiful Nang’s workshops has been very positive and the knowledge and skills he imparts have resulted in a marked improvement (well I think anyway) in my work.
Here’s what AR had to say about the workshop:
I have seen and observed all the participants works and was amazed by the results. There were a lot of newbies joining the camp. 90% of them just had their first DSLR camera in less than 5 months. All came with the same objective: “TO LEARN”. With the MENTORING system which is being practiced in every learning aspect, these have driven them to be more creative and able to produce stunning images direct from their camera.
It was a success “Crash Course” that turned someone from “nothing to something” in just three days. “Though it was a bit pricey, but it’s worth an investment for the priceless experiences & knowledge” said one of the participants. From Brunei are PAPZ, FADI, SALIM & ELMY. Thanks for your support guys.
If this PhotoCamp is to be organized in Brunei, would you like to participate? Please drop me some comments.
I think this workshop should be held here to cater for people in Brunei and also folks from neighbouring Sabah and Sarawak.
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Boss …Manila bay?
You bet it is! Roxas Blvd parey!
Awesome video…. Should organize one in Brunei!!
PhotoCamp II Best!! ehehehehhe!
Eh… ayam goreng…