Broadband Awareness Program Posted on 24/03/200822/01/2013 By Reedz Was checking on some facts for my talk next week (see poster below) when I came across this. Typo kah ni? Is the price of e-speed finally being reduced?? Can someone verify this please?? Back to the broadband awareness seminars. I shall be speaking during all four sessions. The seminars will give you a better understanding of how broadband works and how to maximize your internet connections. SO if you havent registered yet, there’s still time! Registrations close at end of business tomorrow! Click here for the registration form, fill it in and email to it dot info at telbru dot com dot bn. See ya there! Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related
YES! I’ve just rang up the Customer Care Centre, and I was told that change in prices starts today! Weheee.
Its good that telbru have reduced their price, but I think for budget user like me, 25 per month is more reasonable. I dont mind about the speed even if 256k. Maybe call it a “budget plan”. Hope somebody from telbru read this ahakzzz
aku lagi menukar udah my espeed to espeed time dirumah bandar ani pasal jarang pakai pasal aku d temburong ani.Kalau ku tahu inda ku payah tukar biar tia jadi 68 dola saja !! kacau ih hehehe ..
sepduit: interesting suggestion you have there, perhaps our friends at Telbru can consider such a plan in the near future Hedik: did u see the changes to espeed time package? I think its even cheaper for you now bro!
Liat pulang 😀 hehe tapi if i had known .. nda payah tukar time espeed .. heheh .. should have kept it the it was hehe
Well Done Telbru..tapi satu saja i disappointed…i already applied for espeed tapi malang nya since february as promised durang kan install tapi alum jua,its all becoz kan pasang new port d kampung MADANG…lama dah tunggu especially kami yang tinggal d madang,manggis or for thosee yang telipun number nya starting with 233XXXX…i hope telbru ambil tah iktiar untuk mencapat2kan hal ani..the last time i called it will be insatll in april…but when is the exact day…i hope TELBRU membaca coment ani…
to anak brunei..plz bring up this matter tomorro yea..i really appreciate it…n thanks to u…lama sudah kami tunggu n its very unconvenient without internet…