Inspiring the young ones Posted on 04/03/200804/03/2008 By Reedz Pics taken last week when da gangsta and I were invited by Cikgu Nadiah (“,) to speak to a group of final year students doing the property management course at MTSSR. Lunch at d’ Other Office to discuss what to talk about hehe. Talk about last minute!The proprietor of d’ Other Office, Yacub was there to strike a pose, GQ stylie.. heheh Getting acquainted with da gangsta’s new rig, named MJ (he assures me it doesn’tstand for Michael Jackson, although I’m a bit sceptical since he’s a big fan! heheh) Sit MJ, sit… Heidi aka Cikgu Nadiah π Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Related
Bro, you must’ve been really inspirational, because the kid in the 5th pic is about to fall asleep … heheh during whose talk was this pic taken ? Heheh … π
Zul: well, it couldnt have been me speaking cos I was taking the pic.. heheheh! He wasn’t about to fall asleep lah.. andang catu pesen matanya… bedroom eyes nya urang… ko pun bedroom eyes juaaaa eh salah bedside eyessss hahahah! ab: heheh skali skala tu bro….
i dont see my self that much, didn’t notice that’s how i looks like when i cOnCeNtRatE.. ;). Good talk btws.
Yo guys, (eps ~ to 5th pic kid & Zul), Sdg2 mata ah, pacah ah! andang penidur jua kamu a2 yo… I looked fat kn? hehehe, wonder f they could gv d pic to us? is it possible? hehehe thanks for the talk anyway… v.useful and great!!! Millions of thank you!!!
hahahaha i am telling u guys who are still reading abt this; that that is the most concentration he can ever give you. its gangster. holler. (ps. it runs in the blood)