Feels like your visit’s been too short me old mate. But I understand the need to get back to your life in Vancouver. Its been a heck of a buzz having you around man! As always, when an old buddy visits from afar, its a catalyst for the ones who are nearby to get together. This is what my old buddy and neighbour Louis (the dude far left in the pic) had to say in my guest book:
5th September 2007: Truly a pleasure seeing you and your family during my visit. Its amazing that although its been 23 years, it felt like time has stood still picking up from where we left off. May the years ahead be filled with great joys and perpetual blessings. Your friend & always your neighbour! Louis.
Hello AnakBrunei
What a treat for me to see this on your site. As mentioned, your talent speaks volumes and your work has allowed many like myself who has left Brunei to still experience the life there. Well done and thank you once again for the great time during my visit home.
Take care – eh?
Louis got me to check out the site. Faces oh so familiar. Names escape me. Everyone looks so grown up.
Louis, thank you for your kind words bro and I shall strive to continue to give Bruneians abroad the “in Brunei” experience hehe. It was a pleasure having you around for the brief time you were here. Don’t wait another 20 yrs to come back eh?
Freda! Wow tks for dropping by! Yeah they must look REALLY familiar eh? All your seniors though in St Marge. Grown up = rounder + less hair? heheh!
Hi Freda
From Left to Right
Louis , Chris Phan, Reeda, Yu Wen Liew, Shafri Damit….all same year at St. Margarets. I beleive you were 2 years our junior. Very kind reference as being mature…heheheh.